Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 5 Armchair BEA 2014- Realism in Books & YA

Topic of Choice 
Today is the day to talk about something that you feel we have missed or that you want to spend a little extra time chatting about. Ideas include, but are not limited to: a genre that does not fit into those featured earlier this week; logistics, such as blogging resources, procedures, or advice; or something completely fun with book to movie adaptations or favorite blogging games, features, memes, events, and/or activities. It’s your freebie day to choose what you like! 

Response to Realism in Books:

I'm going to apologize in advance. This is a rant, but it has a point. My choice of topic is realism in books. Yes, there is a genre called Realistic Fiction that SUITS this topic well. I had a brainstorm of this topic when my friend just told me to stop recommending her REALISTIC books. I get why she said this. We read books to leave the world, she obviously doesn't want to live in the real world. We know sad things happen in realistic books because hence REAL and not everything in life is happy. I'm here to say that IT IS OKAY to like or even love books that are sad, cry worthy, and also heart wrenching. Don't limit yourself to a few genres, OPEN DOORS TO NEW GENRES. We don't like real because we can imagine ourselves in their shoes, but know there's little possibilities for a boy to show up on our doorsteps. But real makes us see things we don't normally see. We see teens with disorders, cancer, family problems, OCD's, boy problems, etc and they have such genuine stories, that we don't even notice these are REAL LIFE problems. It's exactly our world, but we don't see realistic fiction that way. It's basically another world where there's a building plot and characters. In books, there is always a new world to live in and new characters to see. There are many people in the world who still need to realize. The realistic feature in books does not make it frightening that sad things are going to happen. It makes us know who's surrounding us and how things are not perfect in your little fairy tale.

Middle Grade/Young Adult 
Our final genre of discussion is one that we know is a popular one these days: books for the younger crowd, from middle grade to young adult. If you do not normally talk about this genre on your site, maybe you want to feature books that you remember impacting you during this stage in your life. If this is where you tend to gravitate, maybe you want to list your favorites, make recommendations based on genres, or feature some titles that you are excited to read coming later this year. 

Response to YA:

As I grew, I grew out of middle grade. There are some quality middle grade books, but I have yet to find them. Young Adult will always be my calling. When I'm 30, 25, and even 50, I'll always have a young adult literary heart.  I can't say I'll love YA until I'm 60 because I don't know my future, but I hope it has something between the lines involving books. I can't just center one book that impacted my life, but I can talk overall. Books are electric and attract me like no other.

I'm just going to go straight to the recommendations. First, I'm excited for The Jewel by Amy Ewing. I requested an ARC and I'm praying I get it. I love recommending book to friends because I can share with them a part of me they don't usually see. But the only con to recommending to strangers is that you don't know what they've read and you don't know what they're like. It's like recommending a realistic fiction book, but they actually hate realistic books. If you're looking for a rec, then tell me in the comments then I'll have a list up at running for you!

This is it for #ArmchairBEA 2014. I had an enchanting time! I found new blogs, followed more book bloggers on Twitter, and made some friends along the way. I'm pretty bummed that I'm not going to Book Con this year, but I will try to take any opportunity next year and the following! Keep in touch guys!


  1. Yea, I haven't read too much MG since I was younger but I still love YA. I am thinking of diving back into the Percy Jackson series though because I loved the first book.

  2. I like realistic books, especially historicals. I actually steer away from paranormals. Maybe I'm weird. LOL

  3. It's funny. My friend is the opposite of yours. She's not much of a reader, but has been trying to read more. She only wants me to recommend realistic books. I wish she'd open up a little more, but at least she's reading a little bit.

  4. I'm a fan of books that make me cry, that make me feel. I've always been drawn to those sorts of books but I'm not exactly sure why. I think they make me feel better about my life, they let me know that whatever I'm going through isn't the worst thing that can happen, etc.

    Great topic :D


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