Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Curtain Call [1]

Hello, Hello I'm excited to share my new feature! It's called Curtain Call and it's a new segment where I recommend a TV show or film, and then recommend a (YA) book that has a similar essence! I'm not completely sure how often you'll see these, but expect a few a month. Now on with the show.

TV Show or Film

Sense8 is an American TV show and a Netflix Original.

A group of people around the world are suddenly linked mentally, and must find a way to survive being hunted by those who see them as a threat to the world's order. [imdb]
There are so many reasons to watch Sense8, and I have no idea where to start. Well first off, it is COMPLETELY DIVERSE. It has 8 main characters, and you're probably thinking, "Too many to focus on?!", but it teaches you which people you have time for. Back to diversity, there is a trans character played by a female transgender(which is very hard to find an actress, but they did!), and she is gay. There are more people of color and it's so beautiful to experience all these traditions. It is heavily action packed and romance woven in. It is now available to stream on Netflix, so I highly recommend getting on that soon!

Similar of Book Essence

How it Went Down by Kekla Magoon is a YA novel that is realistically based off of justice in the black community.

When sixteen-year-old Tariq Johnson dies from two gunshot wounds, his community is thrown into an uproar. Tariq was black. The shooter, Jack Franklin, is white. [goodreads]

This novel touches really truthful subjects and it sounds very similar to a current event in Ferguson. There's struggles and we experience them first hand and it's heart wrenching. But it builds up into a story of realistic events.

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